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Los Angeles Architecture 101: Streamline Moderne

November 30, 2023  Seth Styles The speed of architecture may not be exactly white knuckle. Especially from our point of view in modern Los Angeles where construction for even a modest building can take ages. But an offshoot of Art Deco, Streamline Moderne, was all about architecture in motion. Streamline Moderne architecture pared down Art Deco’s decadence with a more efficie...

How To Use Fire-Resistant Building Materials To Give Your Home A Fighting Chance In Wildfire Season

As our neighbors consider rebuilding their homes following the horrifying wildfires that tore through the region just a little over a week into the new year, more and more homeowners are taking careful consideration into what materials and practices build fire-resistant homes. Sadly, a fully fireproof home just isn’t feasible. Otherwise, we may not be going through the ongoing headache of...